Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Nursery Update #2….

After consulting with Aunt Kathleen a little on the colors, we took her advice and painted huge swatches of color on separate walls to get a better feel for what we wanted our nursery to be painted. It was hard to choose between the 2….They look very similar, but have a distinct difference when you get a good look at them.
Allen left me a sweet message after repainting the sample colors.
As you can see we still haven’t fully cleaned out the nursery yet…..oopsie…
We pushed the stand in crib against the wall to test the color. This isn’t our crib. The ones that Aunt Kathleen and Uncle David gifted us (with our grandparents help) are beautiful!! You’ll see those soon!
I decided I needed to see more furniture in the room so we decided to put together the dresser/changing table. (A 4 hour process with 2 food breaks for me-haha!)
One side completed and working on side #2.
Putting the frame together.
Putting the backing on.
Drawers were easy after all the little small parts!
I somehow didn’t get a finished picture, but you’ll see it soon!

And the color choice is…’ll have to check back for the next installment of our nursery update!!!!

This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL furniture. Sturdy and a great color!!! We thank our Aunt Kathleen and Uncle David again for their very sweet and thoughtful gift to our little girls!

1 comment:

  1. I love both shades!! Autumn's always been a purple girl!! & the furniture looks really nice.
